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Before the Purge of Drakon, there was a race-like expedition to gather ingredients for Fripp-Kokoa called the Koko-Kwest every Yar, celebrated with a small festival in the Kingdom of Wendin. Teams would travel from Wendin to the Fripp-Tree Forest to gather the berries (Fripp-Beans) and bring them back to be weighed, with the most acquired in two tries receiving a prize. Rumor has it that even the elusive Snides came out of their caves to participate, as they were quite handy at obtaining things (though it may have been simply an excuse to loot more treasure from attendees).
Bluish in color, Fripp-Kokoa is a warm, frothy beverage popular in the villages around Klaki. Fripp-Trees are primarily located in Dreka in the Fripp-Tree Forest, and produce the blue-green berry known as the Fripp-Bean, the primary ingredient in the drink.