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LAND: Dreka
SEX: Male
Wandering the grassy hills of Dreka is a dragon whose true name has never been revealed, known affectionately by his friends as Chase. For a long time, he was merely a figure looking on from afar, watching others play while mimicking some of their actions. Chase was happy to be spotted, constantly in motion as if hearing music in his head. Were his moving and grooving not noticeable enough, he seemed to be everywhere at the same time, showing up in one place and then another almost instantaneously. This attribute gave him his nickname, appearing wherever those he followed were, sometimes before they’d even arrived. It was as if he were ‘chasing’ them down, bopping gleefully on the outskirts to an inner rhythm.
While his friends eventually welcomed Chase, he wasn’t the one who made the initial introductions, as solitude didn’t bother him much. He was content watching from the outside, knowing that his inclusion was inevitable and solidarity should be enjoyed while he had it. He’s since become satisfied with those that have chosen to accept him as family, though Chase will always move to the beat of his own drummer.
Chase seemed to appear almost immediately in numerous locations because of his unique capability to fold reality. Without effort (and sometimes out of his control), he’d focus on being somewhere else, then merely closed his eyes and found himself transported in a flash. Despite his given moniker, he doesn’t actually chase anyone, ‘blipping’ from one place to the next and often beating them there.
As he’s grown, his folding ability has begun to diminish, and keeping up while traveling great distances is occasionally a problem. Luckily, Chase’s exuberant attitude keeps him positive, and it may not be something he notices missing over time.
One thing that makes Chase stand out immediately (aside from his impressive dance moves) is his peculiar black hat. The shape and symbol upon it was quite unique, and his manner of acquiring it still puzzles him. Little does he know that he was responsible for its appearance, as during one of the dragon’s fast-traveling foldings, it landed on the ground in front of him. As Chase blipped from one place to another, bending space and time for that half-second, the hat arrived from somewhere in-between. Was it the past, future, or perhaps an alternate reality altogether? Did the strange hieroglyphics on it stand for anything in particular, and did it have power? He had no idea, but it fit upon his head, felt perfect, and has stayed there ever since.
However, the question remains... was it the only thing that fell out of space and time?