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LAND: Dreka
SEX: Female
Fleta is a female dragon from Dreka whose body hasn't seemed to catch up with her spirit. Her back legs matured early, already strong and prepared for swift running and jumping, but are too big for her little frame. As a result, Fleta often has to drag herself by her front paws, as the length of her hind limbs while standing leaves her hunched uncomfortably. She takes it with a good sense of humor, knowing her body will fit better as she grows, though she's quick to shut down insults from others about it.
Fleta feels most at home in the water, less awkward and more balanced, telling others that she wished she'd been born in Vatten. Her appendages make her a fast swimmer when playing near the great sea, though most of her friends reside closer to the innermost parts of Dreka, much to her dismay. In-between times with them, she practices trying to blow fire, which still only manages puffs of small, purple flame.
Fleta doesn't know that her parents were both swift runners, and if she focused on sharpening her skills could likely become the fastest dragon on land. Her heart lies in the water though, and she looks forward to being old enough to where going off to explore such places doesn't make her too nervous.
If her ancestry is any sign of things, Fleta will also have mighty wings as she grows older. If ever able to take to the air, she may find dodging clouds similar enough to swimming along the ocean trenches she most desires. Ironically, she'll likely prefer being anywhere but upon the solid earth despite being skilled at traversing such terrain. A time may come when her physical attributes make her the first choice for certain land quests, whether she likes it or not.