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LAND: Eldur
SEX: Female
Kaida is a dragon that roams the blackened hills of Eldur. She is quite the sneaky one, as her scales help her blend in amongst the land's orange lava rivers and flames. Spending most of her time playing with Ash (whom she is siblings with), she loves being the foil in his hide-and-seek games. As he can emit large plumes of dark smoke to conceal himself, Kaida has a keen eye for his whereabouts, unlike other dragons. Using her camouflage colors to her advantage, she is often the only one that can sneak up and call him out when least expected! Her playfulness and effusive laugh make her a very popular character amongst her friends, always ready to have a fun time and help out someone in need.
Kaida has the innate ability to make others calm and comfortable around her. Something about her voice and how she giggles have a significant effect, a power she hasn't completely honed as a pup, but that could work to her advantage later in life. As a young dragon, she is sought after when others have a bad day, feeling as if their mood instantly lightens when she is around. It doesn't hurt that she is very playful and loves to be chased, as she has taken much time to learn each place to jump and run amongst the crumbling paths of Eldur. She has increased speed compared to some and better agility, though time will tell if these advancements have come as a result of something more than just practice and focus.
As she grows, Kaida may find that she can swiftly navigate terrain others find impassable, with improved focus and determination comparatively. Should she practice these skills, she could be quite an asset in general, should the need arise. With the soothing, almost hypnio-osis-like powers of her voice, enemies could be lulled into compliance or avoided. Additionally, with her speed and camouflage skills, Kaida may very well be impossible to capture.